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– Written by Yana Miladinova – May 23, 2023

Could AI bring value to the PR industry?

Revolutionizing Public Relations: How AI-Powered Tools Drive Efficiency, Accuracy, and Success in PR Campaigns

The advent of artificial intelligence has revolutionised various sectors, including public relations. AI tools offer promising solutions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in managing PR campaigns and communication strategies. They empower us to analyse vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, we can sift through extensive media databases, social media platforms, and online news sources to gather insights on audience sentiment, emerging trends, and media coverage.

At TDC, we implement Brandwatch, a leading social listening platform, to help us monitor and analyse online conversations that lead to data-driven decisions in real-time.

For instance, AI-powered sentiment analysis can gauge public perception towards a brand or campaign, enabling PR practitioners to refine their strategies accordingly.

The PR industry sees AI as a good thing. An overwhelming 86% of communications professionals globally see it as an opportunity rather than a risk according to research by Provoke Media and Sandpiper. By automating media monitoring processes, AI-powered platforms can track mentions, news articles, and social media posts, saving us time and resources.

For example, Hyundai implemented an AI-powered newsroom to enhance its PR and media relations efforts. The AI system monitored and analysed real-time news and social media data, providing Hyundai’s PR team with valuable insights and media coverage trends. This AI-driven approach enabled Hyundai to proactively identify opportunities, respond to emerging issues, and optimise its communication strategies in real-time.

From a more consumer point of view, KFC introduced an AI-powered virtual influencer called “H.A.R.L.A.N.D.” to promote the brand. It engaged with users on social media platforms, answering questions and sharing KFC-related content in a conversational and engaging manner. The AI-driven influencer campaign successfully generated buzz and increased brand visibility.

AI tools also offer PR practitioners the ability to personalise communication and tailor their outreach efforts. By analysing data on individual preferences, demographics, and behaviours, AI can generate insights that help create customised messages for specific target audiences. This approach improves engagement and enhances the likelihood of successfully reaching the intended audience.

A prime example is Coca-Cola’s AI-Generated content campaign – “Create Real Magic”. Consumers in select markets gained access to Coke-branded elements for use in AI-powered art, and then submitted work for a chance to be featured on digital billboards in New York City and London. The AI-driven content creation approach allowed Coca-Cola to deliver targeted messages to its diverse audience, resulting in higher engagement and brand resonance.

AI could automate a lot of the PR process, making it faster and more efficient. It has the potential to add a new dimension to the PR workflow and provide us with time to focus on higher-value work while outsourcing mundane and time-consuming tasks to the AI. Despite the advantages of AI tools, PR is fundamentally a human-centric field that relies on relationship building and interpersonal skills. AI cannot replace the value of human judgement, creativity, and emotional intelligence that are crucial in building trust and rapport with stakeholders.

The PR industry stands to benefit greatly from the integration of AI tools. By leveraging AI tools responsibly and combining them with human expertise, we can unlock the full potential of this technology to achieve strategic communication goals. The future of PR and AI presents limitless opportunities for innovation, and PR professionals that embrace and adopt these new technologies will be best poised to succeed in the years to come.